News Archive
08/09/2017 Dueñas-Osorio receives 2017 IASSAR Early Achievement Research Award
06/27/2016 Gonzalez and Duenas-Osorio win Wilson Tang Best Paper Prize
01/23/2015 Dueñas-Osorio paper named best by EERI
07/02/2013 Dr. Duenas-Osorio and Dr. Hulet win MURI awards
03/19/2013 Wired re-prints Simons Foundation article highlighting the role of mathematical models to understand cascading failures across networks; Duenas-Osorio’s research is featured.
03/18/2013 The Simons Foundation highlights recent research in science and engineering on interacting networks, including Rice’s work on interdependent infrastructures
09/22/2012 Dr. Duenas-Osorio’s group research on interdependent infrastructure systems is featured as part of Science News cover story “When Networks Network”
06/06/2012 Houston unveils Storm Risk Calculator for 2012 hurricane season; Duenas-Osorio’s group and collaborators discuss the tool.
03/29/2010 TCLEE investigates damage on lifeline systems after the 2010 Chile earthquake
01/21/2010 Civil engineering's Dueñas-Osorio to look at complex networks in next Scientia lecture
10/02/2008 Rice among nation’s top CAREER grant recipients
06/12/2008 Thirteen Faculty Initiatives Fund proposals awarded grants
03/19/2008 Dueñas-Osorio receives NSF award