Reliability of Grid Networks and Recursive Decomposition Algorithms
Rice University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Structural & Infrasturctural System Reliability & Risk Assessment (SISRRA) Research Group, 2016.
In this fiile we show how to use a Matlab implementation of the recursive decomposition algorithm for computing the s-t reliability in squared network grids. For running this example you'll need Matlab implementations files from SISRRA. Contact infromation can be found at the website of the group:
(For best results use Internet Explorer)
NxN grids and reliability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 1,000 seconds - Analytical - Edge Failure Probability of 10%)
The table below shows upper and lower bound estimates of the two-terminal reliability for square grids with N-by-N nodes. The two pairs are selected at the ends of the square grids diagonals (see example of a 5x5 grid). The table also shows gap or distance between upper and lower bounds (e.g. gap = 0 means exact estimate), and running times (in seconds) are shown for reference (note truncation at 1,000 seconds).
format long
NxN grids and reliability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 7.8 Hours - Analytical - Edge Failure Probability of 10%)
Table below is identical to the previous except for timeout threshold that has been set to 7.8 Hours.
NxN grids and reliability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 8 Hours - Monte Carlo Simulation - Edge Failure Probability of 10%)
Using Monte Carlo Simulation we have simulated enough samples to guarantee that the reliability estimate has relative error below 1% with 99% confidence.
NxN grids and Failure Probability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 1,000 seconds - Analytical - Edge Failure Probability of 1%)
Table below shows s-t network failure probability. Ttimeout threshold that has been set to 1,000 seconds.
NxN grids and Failure Probability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 7.8 Hours - Analytical - Edge Failure Probability of 1%)
Table below is identical to the previous except for timeout threshold that has been set to 7.8 Hours.
NxN grids and Failure Probability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 8 Hours - Monte Carlo Simulation - Edge Failure Probability of 1%)
Using Monte Carlo Simulation we have attempted to simulate enough samples to guarantee that the failure probability estimate has relative error below 1% with 99% confidence. As shown in the table below, the rare event condition has prevented Monte Carlo Simulation from giving an answer with approximation guarantees within the time threshold.
NxN grids and Failure Probability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 1,000 seconds - Monte Carlo Simulation - Edge Failure Probability of 1%)
Below we show mean and variance for s-t network failure probability estimates using Monte Carlo Simulation. Note that this estimates have no guarantees of quality of approximation.
NxN grids and Failure Probability estimates between farthest diagonal pairs (Benchmark - Within 7.8 hours - Monte Carlo Simulation - Edge Failure Probability of 1%)
Below we show mean and variance for s-t network failure probability estimates using Monte Carlo Simulation. Note that this estimates have no guarantees of quality of approximation.
TUTORIAL: grid graph of size 5x5
For the case of a 5x5 grid we can create its adjacency as follows
N = 5; % 25 nodes + 40 edges
A = kron(spdiags(ones(N,2),[1 -1],N,N),...
eye(N))+kron(eye(N),spdiags(ones(N,2),[1 -1],N,N)); % Adjacency
[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1,N),linspace(0,1,N)); % Coordinates
Node Failure probabilities (100% Reliable - Uncomment for different cases)
format short
P = zeros( size(A) );
% P ( 1 : length(A)+1 : length(A)^2 ) = rand(length(A),1); %Node failure probability
% P ( 1 : length(A)+1 : length(A)^2 ) = .10; %Node failure probability
P % Failure probability matrix (diagonal entries for nodes)
Edge failure probabilities (90% Reliable - Uncomment for different cases)
id = find(A);
P(id) = .1; % Same failure probability
%P(id) = rand(size(id)); %Random failure probabilities
P % Failure probability matrix (off diagonal entries for edges)
Plotting (Needs Matlab R2016a)
% Convert edges to nodes for unreliable edges
[Aout,~,~,XYout] = SSP_edge_splitting(A,[X(:),Y(:)]);
id = (1:size(Aout,1));
N1 = size(A,1);
gp = plot(graph(Aout),'XData',XYout(:,1),'YData',XYout(:,2),'NodeLabel',id,...
% gp = plot(graph(Aout),'Layout','force','NodeLabel',id,...
% 'MarkerSize',(id<=N1)*4+eps);
axis off
Source and terminal nodes
s = 1;
t = 25;
Decomposition algorithm (default is path-based Selective RDA)
Note that below we run a few iterations for clarity but we can run this algorithms indefinitely until convergence, truncate until treshold gap, or timeout based on a treshold time.
Selective = 1; %
Recursive = 0; % DFS (1) or BFS(0)
algo = 'minpath'; % 'minpath', 'mincut', 'flow'
plotit = [1 3]; %0: None, 1: Bounds, 2:Bounds Simple, 3: Decomposition Tree, 4: Animated Tree, 5: Animated Bounds
MRP = 1; % Minimum cost shortest path (1) Dijkstra (0)
Max_k = 1e5; %Truncation by iterations
Max_gap = 0.05; %Truncation of bounds (e.g. 0 for exact)
eq = 0; % Output equation
[ R, Max_k, R_bounds, Eventk, Likelihoodk, isConnQ, minpathk, SetUp,...
SetDown, Rf_links, Rf_cuts, parentk, Prob, P] = SSP( A , P , s , t, 2, algo, Selective , Recursive , plotit , Max_k , Max_gap , MRP, eq );
Visualize decomposition process (Table iteration-by-iteration)
T = decomp_table(R_bounds,Eventk,minpathk,isConnQ,parentk,Prob, SetUp, SetDown, P)
% Write excel table
delete('T.xls') % Because we rewrite potentially leaving previous results
display('T.xls file created')
display('Not possible to create T.xls')
Some remarks from table T:
- The first iteration (0) is the root event and there are no conditional events in the column Event.
- Child events (disjoint) permute edge failures form parent's MinimumSuccessfulEvent and are created lexicographically. Note that nodes do not fail in this example however.
- true values in the LinkSetsQ column are internal nodes (with childrens) and false LinkSetQ values are leaf nodes in the decomposition process (no childrens sent to iteration queue).